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TOUR4EU Hosts Three-Day Training Course on Horizon Europe in Brussels for Tuscan Research Managers & Administrators
TOUR4EU and the Tuscany Region Host the Kick-off Meeting of the FAMOS Project
Unveiled the 3rd edition of the report “Towards a new approach to higher education in the European Union”
TOUR4EU Joins GlyCanDrug, an Innovative Project in Cancer Research
Cordoglio per la scomparsa del prof. Fabio Donato
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Esperienze a Confronto – Evento presso l’Università degli Studi di Siena
CARE4CARE project: 16th-17th March 2023 Meeting
January 2023: Launch of the Care4Care Project
Simposio su Economia Blu, Orizzonti Verdi: la ricerca Ue-Giappone su mari e oceani sani e sostenibili
Second edition of the “Studying in Tuscany” event!
Il rapporto di attività 2021 di TOUR4EU è online
Le sinergie tra Horizon Europe, i Fondi strutturali e altri programmi: incontro operativo
Nuovo vademecum sui fondi europei per enti regionali e nazionali
Projects ...
According to the European Commission’s portal, the Tuscan universities have won 443 Horizon 2020 projects in the 2014-2020 seven-year period and received a total of 185 million EU funds, including 42 ERC (European Research Council) projects of great European scientific prestige.
The extensive reorganisation within the European Research Offices of the Universities associated with the creation of TOUR4EU has certainly contributed to the growth of the results obtained in the last three years. The contribution of TOUR4EU to attract European resources in Tuscany is mainly linked to a logic of service, partner search and support to the same Universities competing in the highly competitive EU projects.
After two years of activity, TOUR4EU won in July 2020 its first European Horizon 2020 project as an “autonomous partner” which kicked off in March 2021. The name of the project is ‘EuComMeet’. It is coordinated by the University of Siena and it aims to explore under which conditions deliberation and representation can be an effective response to the challenges facing representative liberal democracies.
The EuComMeet project, funded under the Horizon 2020 programme last March 2020, has the objective to develop innovative spaces for participatory deliberation by adopting an innovative m4d2 (multi-stage, multi-level, multi-mode, multi-lingual and dynamic deliberative) approach…
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About Research in Tuscany ...
Researchers and Professors
University Students
Horizon 2020 Projects
Horizon Europe Projects
Sources : Toscana OpenResearch / MUR / Horizon Dashboard on 31/12/2023
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