TOUR4EU, the Belgian organisation representing Tuscan universities and the Tuscany Region in Brussels, announces its participation as an associated partner in the GlyCanDrug consortium. GlyCanDrug is an innovative project funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN), a component of the Horizon Europe research program, with a focus on glycoscience.
The GlyCanDrug project aims to promote scientific excellence in the discovery of anti-cancer drugs based on therapies targeting glycans, which have significant potential in the fight against cancer. Glycans, part of glycoscience, are a complex category of carbohydrate-based molecules capable of covalently binding lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Therapies based on glycans could provide targeted and innovative therapeutic options, contributing to the improvement of individual well-being and communities.
The consortium of the GlyCanDrug project has joined forces, creating an international, multidisciplinary, and cross-sectoral network of experts in glycoscience, from both academic and industrial backgrounds. This ambitious project, with the University of Florence as one of the main partners, aims to train ten doctoral students. These future professionals will gain in-depth knowledge of the potential of glycoscience in the discovery of precision therapies against cancer, along with essential cross-disciplinary skills.
The Kick-Off Event of the project, held online on Friday, January 19, 2024, served as a platform to present the project’s objectives, introduce the consortium members, and allowed TOUR4EU to propose communication and dissemination strategies for the project’s results. The event laid the foundation for collaboration among consortium partners, connecting research institutions, European university networks, the private sector, and European institutions.
GlyCanDrug aims to train the next generation of leading professionals in the development of innovative cancer drugs, thus meeting the needs of the industrial and academic labor market in the European Union.